Full Cycle SEO
As broad as the Search Engine Optimization field of activities may be, we’re constantly trying to expand our expertise and add more SEO-related services. Starting with an SEO strategy and SEO copywriting and finishing with an SEO keywords promotion, we’ve got all the process covered, helping you rank higher in Google, Yahoo and Bing!
Focuses on ROI & KPI
If there’s anything that is detrimental and unaltered in our whole course of work, those are the KPIs and ROI metrics. All the work we do would be useless not compliant with a quantitive goal, set by the client at the start of our works… This means that as far as our agency fee for SEO services is concerned, you will be paying us exclusively for results and for results only!
Working on the Schedule
Other agencies hate the deadlines (just as complying with them) so much, that those has actually become a punchline in the industry. We’d like to state that we have a whole other perception of doing work under the clock and as often as it is possible, we try to work ahead of the schedule, not leaving any deadlines behind on our workflow or activities…
Fair & Affordable Fees
While many agencies in the industry get paid just for nothing, we practice a different approach. Keeping the end results that you want us to achieve in mind, we’re always focused on getting there. That means – our fee depends on ROI, so we’re a party most interested in your success!
Executive managers
Alex Buoyega
Mr. Buoyega was born in one of Detroit’s poorest blocks, all before pursuing his successful managerial career in the future. For him, the breakthrough happened when he was able to get on Harvard University’s Law School list. After graduating from there, he was working for a few years for.
Kenneth Richardson
A talented and creative leader, Kenneth is known among his colleagues for how good his organizing and team leading skills are… Working priorly for a number of American and International multi-billion dollar companies, Kenneth has built up a reputation and a skillset worthy of an executive manager. His constant focus.
Jonathan Christman
Being as a devoted family man as he is, it is incredible how Jonathan has time left for managing multi-million dollar contracts, satisfying all of our clients and managing a vast team of professionals under his command. His resolve is well-known, making him one of the few executive managers in.
Martin Gray
Originally from London, at one point of his sophomore college year, Martin decided to turn the tables for his career and travel to the US, to try and get a Harvard MBA degree… Eventually, he succeeded in that, becoming one of the most respected executive managers in his field of.
Mary Applebaum
A Juneau, Alaska native, Mrs. Applebaum has come a long way since her high school graduation all the way up to getting a Brown University Master’s degree in Economics. Talented with the digits, she’s no less successful when it comes to managing the human resources of the company. Ask anyone.
Elisa Hansolo
Born in New York City, Elisa always felt a strong urge for being an ambitious overachiever. Eventually, by the age of 25 she already had received her first Wall Street executive position, making her one of the youngest managers in the company. With her overall work experience spanning over 2.
Immediately after witnessing the first results of an SEO campaign that these guys executed for me, I ordered their New Media & Digital Strategy services as well… Never before I’ve met an agency so proof to any kinds of delays on the deadlines!
What a time for web promotion! Initially I’ve requested just a PPC campaign for my new startup, but eventually ended up with both a Digital Strategy, New Media campaign and ads and the Search Engine Optimization process underway…
Immediately after witnessing the first results of an SEO campaign that these guys executed for me, I ordered their New Media & Digital Strategy services as well… Never before I’ve met an agency so proof to any kinds of delays on the deadlines!